Wednesday, December 22, 2010


i am you: winter solstice

i am you: winter solstice

winter solstice

imagine that...12/21/2010 a lunar eclipse/full moon/ winter solstice...the feminine in direct conjunction with the masculine......but in their utmost darkest asp(snake)ect.....sssss.....the last time it happened  was 456 years ago...death and eye move on to awakening.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

need a shrink?????
this is your brain on wash ...heavy much starch...

Sunday law....Sunday worship..forced worship on the day of the sun , to apollo, the sun god.......

if ever  there was a true day of rest , a day of rest and reflection.....a day to contemplate the miracle of life and it's is Saturday.....better known as the " SABBATH".......that's why it's called "black sabbath".....the problem is,  that in the  intervening years since sunday's inception as the official day of worship, we don't remember being  fooled, it was to long ago....if we don't investigate these things, we'll never know....because they'll never tell's a matter of control...controlling you....the universe is a hologram and each part contains a copy of itself...thus ,   self awareness......don't get fooled again...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

a rabbit to pet,... a cage to mind....skat...

when in roMe, do as the RomanS do ...                                                        when a gnome,...get the hell out of the way...  as  far as humans and small furry rodents are concerned..                                  the memes and other fancy terms,  only get you so far  when your only  one ...governmental facilities and secret plots will get you the back of  the room the plots are hatched...people surrender as they aught to.. .in times of trouble it's better to sell your neighbor than to run a mile in a hog's pen...if the tangent suits you,  then square the circle and get on with it...i talk to the wind...the wind does not hear....i want to tell you ,..... my head is  filled with things to sayyyyyy....all those words,,... they seem to slipaway....Repeat after me ... everything is everything....I AM YOU>>>I AM EVERYTHING>>>>there is no we...only the rabbit  hole of transformation and rebirth".snake skins....M ..ME.....WE..MM..WW ..EW....EM...the physical world is under assault  by the emotional  world.. the same battle that has been fought since time immemorial...sadly the we is the i, and I, really knows it ....and the universe is the reflection of the mind's eye...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
                       ARJUNA..                 the forces march on and the clatter of steel is loud and we long to fight the good fight..our history tells us so...war, is the density of our courage and love is is the passion of the sword....quick to kill...quick to save, times of need...
  i perform the deed.....