Thursday, November 19, 2009

some things are bigger than  have to dream outside your head to truly be alive.... if only at  a shack in hancock new hampshire for the period of two years.... many minds ...many universe.. ...but we lived  for real, we walked with the stars ,touched the sky....our music.....our love,......a future of hopeless abandon.......oh well...

 we  hide when we lie..lye..lay...lean..lain...line..lorn...scorn..adorn..abhore.. in our fear we are worn like cloaks of deceipt deposit no return....
in my change i am complete.....

ssssssssorry......  how about a big round of   applause for  the new world order ,..evolutionarily sssspeaking  that isss....what do you expect ? ssloppy  ?  no, planned.....well planned ...well giant step to hell...
sometime's we take it too far/.......!or not far enough the other times.......
ah the pharoe's and their late night endevours.......
a summer dream....don't forget to let the sun shine in.....take time to relax and reflect...let the universe travel on without you for just a while.......
nibiru will try your patience..the annunaki told me so...just  in case the nephelim are caught in an intersteller traffic jam...head for your nearest fallout shelter.....
maybe im amaze..............d.

a rose is not a rose is not arose....
life is the thrill of the kill...the risk of losing....the burning fearful stench of what if ...................

what is done is done..
time to reflect....

the time is apon us for action.........
satan is ending his reign on earth....jesus the destroyer is coming!!!!!!!!!    it has been promised since the dawn of civilisation.........time to take out the trash......satan is going down.

when the world of ideas and the world of matter collide....the melting pot...where ideas become reality....we build in the land of oz , but we live like the stone. solid.  one side sordid, dark, damp and side fresh to the sky