Thursday, September 10, 2009

More from the darkside of the moon...rainbow...

I say that it's likely the image of pink Floyd is a theatrical retelling of the lives and times of the beatles, abstracted to dissaciate the beatle image and to tell a more dramitic story. Hire musicians to play out the scripted roles and a band is born. Their image is of the tormented studio band, from a short lived psychedelic spurt to arena rock and twisted drama to last a lifetime. Knowing the risks of being an owned entity, they made the conscious effort to fill the role of a life time. Only in this sense they, aside from their identities themselves were completely replaceable on the musician level, vocalist and all. They were shown to be so in the unfolding drama of their musical theatre and songs. The wall rubbed this in your face. Drug abuse, confusion, -loss of identity to the corporate machine -then replaced by a surrogate band and no one knows( sgt peppers); except he( Roy Harper; known to have recorded at apple records, along with the beatles and pink Floyd), tells you through the lyrics of the songs, and no suprise under the banner of the silver hammer(maxwells)...a fascist demonstration ensues....mob rules....
"pink he's not well he stayed back at the hotel, so they sent us along as a surrogate band, were going to find out where you fans really stand"...Roger waters Pros and cons of hitchiking ends at 5:05 am . The alleged time of death of James Paul McCartney in a car crash( he blew his mind out in a car) September 11, 1966. Sgt. Peppers was the original surrogate band. The closer you look at the lyrics of the 1960's the more you begin to see that it's all differant views of the same mindblowing experience. Are you experienced??? What I'm presently proposing is that rockn'roll is nothing more than the guilty conscious of the participants in the birth of the new world order. And sadly it's worse yet, my investigations bring us back to a demonic presence taking over the spirit of the world , behind our backs, malicious in intent and determined to impose it's will over mankind.clearly the super wealthy are in cahoots with the devil not god(good). If it was goodness, that to would be visible for all to see and all would be free .

Part 6 : invasion of the bodysnatchers...

Interlude...and our whole paridigm(way of being) shifted. Maybe a whole generation of people were replaced in the 1940's by a differant type of human/alien hybridizations ( body snatchers ) (doubles) from the government to the military....and all that UFO garbage is something else entirely...a war of the worlds??? Rolodex the second( think George bush)..11th hour ...the day the earth stood still...Orsin Welles read the news today oh boy.... The aliens landed everybody freaked out , we called it world war two . That's all we can remember; really, some Hitler guy and the nuclear hell .but Kaiden out in our popular culture are books that brought us to the stars and brought aliens to us. Hmmm...Assimov..George Orwell .. Ann raynd..Kurt Vonnegut ... Huxley ...Ray Bradbury ; the Martian chronicles. It is in precisely this time period that our technology made a huge advance in the 1940's as did all of our ideas seemingly.interesting timing...future waves/shock waves
the beliefs we have are given to us. The language we use helps reinforce this idea for all of us. At that time the ideologies , technologies, books, entertainment, seemed right from outer space, is it possible we were influenced by some common event??? Inserted into our existence and those involved were mostly to completely unaware of it's happening? Hmmmm....
At any rate even if we weren't visited by little green men, most of still feel deep down in our gut instinct that we were visited, abducted , changed , even changed in our DNA....what is certain is that our reality tunnel, via these future shocks, was fundementaly changed, altered, making us alien to our former selves. Under the spell of therm I'm black(politicians),and this new mind control technology(media). Humans trapped in a sonambulistic ignorance of their own semi divinity, while Tavistock and the like, wormed their way into your life and fed us empty fantasy, a new vision of reality. The concrete jungle arose and took over our lives, and for a short time it seemed this was really our creation-our idea. But the sheeple( people) are just the workers for the creation of the new world order. An attempt to control the outcome of events, but nature is the complete opposite of this, always changing .....when we debate, fight, and kill for other mens beliefs......SAD.....

Part 5-welcome to the machine ...

The band Pink Floyd is a fine place to start when discussing the music business in general. Doubles exist, in this case we have employed the more complex concept of the "surrogate band", and it is implied in the "wall" that there is an integral need for such an entity to exist in the entertainment industry; not everyone in a band has eternal good health, allowing them full participation in all of the required band member duties. Someone inevitably can't make it to the show to play. Drugs for Floyed, are implied to have played a major role in deeming this double band concept necessary. High on heroin, or in a rehab detoxing, you don't feel well enough to write songs, reherse songs, or going photo shoots/ autographs. However in most respects the record company owns you and your likeness in respect to the band and the fragility of your fame( your public image). This precisely is the price of fame, you can be sued for breaking the contract and using your fame in a way that is outside of the signed contract, you must not tarnish your image unless it is the how you are being marketed. This is how you "sell your soul for rock n'roll, literaly. To ensure the huge investment record companies spend on you. Remember the British government at the time of the beatles owned 75% of the totality of the recording industry in England, and a majority of the stock in radio or radio technology .Big business. The music industry didn't happen by accident , it was calculated and heavily promoted to be what we have now in 2009, remember it isn't a need like food and appearance the image of modern music is differant than before beatle era of music. The industry exploded in popularity as a weapon used by the anti war counter culture youth movement. Finally spurred into existence by the killing of Kennedy . Being that such an emotional tragedy leaves people to suggestive programming, to fill the void left after the violence. Anti-government because people lost trust in them and put their trust and love into rock stars the new politicians. Before sgt.peppers the music industry sold singles; A-sides and B-sides , many of which were re-recordings of previous hits. Then came the album, a completion so to speak of the initial dream of the music industries master plot, the whole industry matured and doubled in size. It went from war time radio to being one of the largest most lucrative businesses on the planet , especially due to it's non essential nature. The industry via radio and tv aims to make the album irristible urge to own and integrate with this "new" album.
Meanwhile we spend money we don't have, unaware that it is loaded with subliminal information as well as full of overt right in your face suggestions about what's real. If no-one believes in the music it will fall apart. It's propoganda to say music will save the world, people save the world not music. Music is isolation and confusion , we consume beer at shows not enlightenment. We give these people our hard earned money, our love and devotion. So now there is 24 hours of music, a constant barrage of sound and seemingly new things to keep the attention on media and away from creating and thinking your own thoughts.
The new music we create and push as the "new beat" is nowadays mostly rude, dark and "satanic"; and each band is trying to one-up each other in morbidity. Otherwise we just re-hash the oldies over and over again. Almost like were trapped, and it degrades all the while it tries to stay the same, this illusion hoisted over our beings. A vision so complete it supercedes the the very idea of any other attempt at quantifying another type /kind of reality, trapped in a "tunnel vision", created by mass hip-gnosis( the group solidifies "like concrete"; the idea that other people think that it's happening to them, assures us that it's happening to them , assures us that it must be happening fo "real".instead of awakening to a false image of the passion play we call music. ....
The machine is the mechanism by which we are willful participants in supporting the present civilisation in which we live , in an imaginary playground that seperates us from true wisdom. We should live in the moment, creating all we need as we need it out of love and the simple urgency of the moment, try it some time. Because, rich or poor , happy or sad we all die the same... Alone, confused, without any of the things that you acquired in your life... Maybe even the wisdom we accumulate goes away in the end that so bad? A real rest for your tired being... A chance to reflect and decide...

Part 4---part one is at the bottom of the page, it goes by earliest date.

..just as every Hollywood action star has a stunt double, all leading actors/ actresses, world leaders and most important people have look-likes. They do dangerous stunts, faraway shots, and generally are there to lighten the oppressive load laid on the overebudened star, because we are human we can't do it all alone. Public appearances, autographs, photo-shoots , song writing, studio recording, movies, let's not forget that people also get sick too....especially for the Beatles, where does such a group of people making music, movies, public appearances, find the time to create such a catalogue of music in such a short space of time?????..their first album was mostly cover tunes. It was all made possible beacuse of the governments help. Due to the sophistication of available prosthesis, make-up, plastic surgery, voice training, all at the governments expense, because the " British invasion" was a movement of the greatest import, done in conjunction with the co-operation of the US government. The Beatles were " Help-less" because they were not in control of their own scene, they had only the offer of fame and fortune and intrigue. You see, fans in a state of sonambulistic frenzy, could hardly tell what was going on beyond themseves and literaly nothing else, lost in rock n' roll.....theo Adorno designed rocknroll to give people a false sense of identity, allowing a lone person to feel as part of a much bigger group. Meanwhile the music seems to speak to us each individualy , about our deepest joys , sorrows, and fears. Like it was talking to us embracing us. Having never met the beatles or any famous persons, significantly adds to one's inability to recognize the differance between a person or their double. The first time we saw Paul McCartney was it the real Paul McCartney?? Rockn'roll music in general starting in the 1950's was individual singers looking to create a career for themselves, would audition and perform a newer version of a song that already existed.then would came album rock evolved from the single ( the hit parade) , which aims to continuosly recycle and replay songs in such a fashion as to impregnate the mind with an unforgetable theme. The message and melody stick in the minds of the voracious consumers appetites. It is naive to think this entertainment strategy would change all that much, considering, it is in truth a form psychological warfare being waged on the youth who at that point in their lives lack a concrete identity of their own. The youth whogreedily absorb and in turn take on as their own, the personalityof the music or band. This musical machine was diplayed in it's trial run in the 50's with Elvis and his "pelvis"(sex), screwing and grinding with your clothes on, had begun on the dance floor. Elvis of course had a double , tripple, quadruple,etc...