Monday, September 7, 2009

I AM YOU: What happened to the people in the united states in the 1950's , that resembles a UFO mind trip ?

I AM YOU: What happened to the people in the united states in the 1950's , that resembles a UFO mind trip ?

What happened to the people in the united states in the 1950's , that resembles a UFO mind trip ?

Here i am reporting to you from my deep water base the yell ow submarine, " batten down the hatches". La bor dei weekend. Living through the endless shock waves of the past years since we unleashed demons from the pit of hell by eploding nuclear weapons on earth . That's when all of the aliens came into our minds like a new pandemonium . Nothing like that happened of course, but in our collective conscience we feel it to be true, or plausible in the very least. But the themes of our movies and books are very telling about the condition of the human being. The people in power use multiple themes to control the population, from mind control, food control, media and entertainment to missdirection of truths( in science and anthropology ) , musical hypnosis to playing on our fears. Almost everything around us is Lude , perverse , gothic, dark, sexy, mean. A true demonic playground compared to any civilized places even a hundred years ago . Invasion of the body snatchers? The day the earth stood still. 2001(2010 contact). You don't sell your soul to god, and the statement is probably accurate, not a myth. There is the devil , he needs a human form to come to earth. My guess is that was true until the satanist were able to awaken Satan in June of 1966. Because I don't believe in Satan doesn't mean millions of adoring fanatical fans don't. Unfortunately his most powerful fans are many of the super wealthy and great religious leaders, and government officials. This will be where I plan to start this thread to insanity, as far back and as deep as we go( into the rabbit hole.. Down the yellow brick road. . To the dark side of the moon to see if George bush jr. ( the son of aleister crowley) is buried in James Paul McCartney's grave. All in time to save the world from the impending doom of the approaching planet Nibiru, home planet to the biblical giant's the nephelim( Sumerian annunaki).